These rulings change how various contracts work and flesh out a bunch of corner cases.
Catch Effects
Changes to what costs catches can remove
Guidelines for sensing an element
Archery with Communion
Rules for combining the Archery style with Communion
Meditating for Communion
Rules for using the catch on multiple elements
Changes to dream protections and cobblethought
Attacking vs Elemental Armor
Rules for how elemental armor affects weapons
Control Element
Handling corner cases for Elements 3
Eternal Spring
Adding a small limit to magical coffee
Fang and Talon
Rules for controlling someone’s mount
Fleeting Autumn
Better rules for protecting others from fear
Rules for mimicking additional features
Oath and Punishment
Clarifications and changes to pursuing oathbreakers
Lots of changes to reign in foretelling
Clarifying a corner case for Elegant Protection
Adding a way to work around blindness
Reordering clauses to make more sense
Weakening Weapons
Rules for breaking weapons
Thorns and Brambles
Small tweak to scale
Verdant Spring
Tweak to the first clause