While there is a contract in a splat book for analyzing tokens (Spellbound Autumn 3), it is cumbersome to use and not always available. The rules here allow a curious changeling to use their own knowledge and intuition to get the job done.
Tokens are mysterious and potentially dangerous, so any changeling would do well to know as much as they can before using one.
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult
Action: Extended
Interval: 1 Minute
Threshold: 5 successes for every dot of the token
This test can be made in secret by the GM.
Dramatic Failure: The token serves up a false or misleeding description of its drawback and catch, and an embellished version of its actual purpose. Until the changeling observes otherwise, they have every reason to believe these falsehoods.
Failure: The token reveals nothing new about what it does or the cost of using it.
Success: The changeling learns all about what the token does, its drawback, and its catch.
Exceptional Success: The changeling learns everything there is to know about the token, including any loopholes or traps built into its design.
Modifier | Situation |
+1 | Changeling has autumn court mantle |