Creating hedgespun is a common task for changeling artisans. The rules here originally appear in Rites of Spring, page 140. They are summarized and expanded here.
Crafting new items out of hedge materials takes preparation and time. The first step is gathering all of parts needed to make the final hedgespun. Then, the crafting begins. All crafting must be done in the hedge or in a hollow.
Characters can pause and return to the work so long as they don't let it languish for too much time. If left unattended in the hedge, unfinished hedgespun will eventually shape itself into something entirely of the hedge's own design. Such items are rarely usable for anything, let alone what the character wanted.
Cost: 1 Glamour / roll
Dice Pool: Wits or Strength + Craft
Action: Extended
Interval: 30 minutes
Target: 3 successes per dot
Dramatic Failure: While Hedgespinning does not require the same levels of intricate work as real-world objects, one must still be cautious with the elements that will go into the token. On a dramatic failure, the character destroys one of the ingredients necessary for the recipe: her thumb crushes a delicate crystal, a still-living Luna moth takes flight and ducks into the Thorns, a dried tongue from a many-mouthed Hedge beast is overhandled and turns quickly to greasy dust.
Failure: The items just don't come together. They refuse to yield to the character's ministrations.
Success: The elements are sewn, bolted, eased or forced together, and the desired Hedgespun item now sits in the character's hands. While many Hedgespun items contain their own beauty (dew clinging to worm silk, with the sun caught in each drop), a changeling may want to add her own decorative flairs to a piece. Perhaps she paints it with dye made from crushed beetles (or made from the blood of her many enemies). Maybe she polishes it or dirties it up (a piece of armor may look more authentic if given a layer of grime and stain). It is hers to do with as she pleases, whether that means use it, display it or make it a part of a pledge.
Exceptional Success: The magic of Hedgespinning touches her hands and clings to it — other changelings or Wyrd possessors can see this as perhaps a faint dusting of glittering rust or a golden, almost liquid sheen. (The Mask protects it, however, and mortals cannot see such a thing.) The character's next Crafts roll is made at a +2 bonus, after which this clinging magic effect disappears. (The character cannot choose when to expend the bonus; it happens on her next Crafts roll regardless of what it's meant to accomplish.)
Modifier | Situation |
-3 | Recipe demands an intricate design |
-2 | Distractions |
-1 | Character has Clarity 8 to 10 |
+1 | Character has Wyrd 6+ |
+1 | Appropriate tools |
+1 | Character has Contracts of Artifice at any dots |
+2 | Character has Clarity 5 or below |