Once a changeling attains Wyrd 6, dreams become a more perilous and more powerful tool. While the changeling can use dreams to recall valuable information from the depths of their durance, they need to take care that those dreams don't become too real. If their concentration slips -- or becomes too focused -- they could lose control of the dream and be subjected to a near-perfect memory world of their durance. This is a powerful form of nightmare and oneiromancers visiting the dream run the same risks as usual. Reliving such vivid memories is a Clarity 1 breaking point.
To create a dream of their durance, the changeling must succeed at an Intelligence + Composure + Wyrd test. Most of the time, nothing out of the ordinary happens: they only remember enough that night for a memory dream. An exceptional success on this roll pulls a little too much from their buried memories and threatens to create an Arcadian Dream. The player or the ST rolls the changeling's Wyrd - Clarity to determine whether such a dream occurs. Failure means that the changeling creates a normal memory dream containing elements of their durance. Success brings on a full Arcadian Dream.
The changeling has a chance to notice subtle changes in the dream's tone and substance before an Arcadian Dream consumes them. The player makes a reflexive Wits + Empathy or Occult roll, penalized by the dream's Intensity. Success allows the changeling to notice the dream's shift in time to act. The changeling may then spend one Willpower point to wrest control from the Wyrd and continue to dream normally; or, they can just wake up.
If the dream remains in the hands of the Wyrd, the Arcadian Dream swallows them. The torments and agonies of their durance, mercifully forgotten until now, are relived in every detail. Some changelings suspect that the dream recreates the durance in a transient demesne somewhere within Arcadia. Whether true or not, the changeling is powerless to wake until the dream releases them. No effort of will nor outside act can rouse them from their nightmare.
Changelings who reach Wyrd 10 suffer the threat of Arcadian Dreams whenever they sleep, even if the dream is not related to their durance. Some avoid sleeping for as long as possible, abusing Eternal Spring contracts to remain awake. Others swear pledges to ensure another changeling is always in their dreams, first to help notice (and avoid) the onset of the Arcadian Dream, and then to create Stress Relief dreams so that they will have enough willpower for the next night's trial. Neither approach works for long.